TNPSC Thervupettagam

Indian Citizenship- Chakmas and Hajongs

September 14 , 2017 2734 days 1425 0
  • Indian government has decided to give indian citizenship to 1 lakh Chakma and Hajong refugees, who has been living in India for more than 50 years.
  • These people took refuge from East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and settled in north eastern states of India
  • Earlier in 2015, the supreme court has given an order asking the government to consider giving citizenship to Chakma and Hajong refugees.
  • Some social organisations in Arunachal Pradesh were showing defiance for giving citizenship to refugees stating that such act would alter the state’s democratic set up. The refugee population is high in Arunachal Pradesh
  • Even though the refugees are getting an Indian citizenship there is no provision for providing land property holding rights as in case given to Arunachal Pradesh’ s Scheduled Tribes.
  • In 1960’s during construction of dam in Chittagong hill region of Bangladesh, nearly 5000 Chakma and Hajong people migrated to India as refugees. Now their population has increased to1 lakh.
  • Chakmas people belongs to Buddhist religion.
  • Hajong people belongs to Hindu religion.

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