Interconnected Disaster Risks Report 2023
November 7 , 2023
488 days
- The UN Interconnected Disaster Risks Report released by the United Nations University- Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).
- The report analyses several examples of disasters each year and explains how they are inter- connected with each other and with human actions.
- India is close to reaching its groundwater depletion tipping point.
- According to the report, 78% of wells in Punjab are considered overexploited.
- These aquifers supply drinking water to over two billion people, and around 70% of withdrawals are used for agriculture.
- Between 2000 and 2019, glaciers lost 267 gigatons of ice per year.
- Nearly 90,000 glaciers of the Himalayas, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains are at risk, and so are the nearly 870 million people that rely on them.
- Frequent severe weather is causing a sevenfold increase in damages since the 1970s, with USD 313 billion in losses in 2022.

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