International Cheetah Day - December 04
December 8 , 2022
820 days
- Every year, International Cheetah Day is celebrated on 4th December since 2010.
- Dr. Laurie Marker designated the day in remembrance of Khayam, a cheetah she raised from a cub at Wildlife Safari in Winston, Oregon.
- Khayam was trained for the first research project in re-wilding and inspired her first trip to Namibia in 1977.
- International Cheetah Day coincides with the day for wildlife conservation.
- The cheetah is popularly known as the fastest animal on earth.
- It can reach a top speed of 70 mph in just three seconds.
- At present the majority of the animal is found in Namibia and South Africa.
- It was declared as an extinct animal in 1954 by the Indian government.
- The Government brought Cheetah from Namibia and settled in Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh.

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