January 3 , 2024
450 days
- A major earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 hit north-central Japan.
- Soon after, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning along the coastal regions of Ishikawa, Niigata and Toyama prefectures.
- Waves more than 1-metre-high hit the coast of Wajima City in Ishikawa Territory.
- Last week, an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 on the Richter scale occurred in Japan's Kuril Islands.
- Japan was devasted by a massive 9.0-magnitude undersea quake off northeastern Japan in March 2011.
- In March 2022, a 7.4-magnitude quake off the coast of Fukushima shook large areas of eastern Japan.
- The capital Tokyo was devastated by a huge earthquake a century ago in 1923.

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