August 23 , 2021
1296 days
- Recently, India has ratified the Kigali Amendment to the 1989 Montreal Protocol for protection of the ozone layer.
- Despite being one of the main architects of the Kigali Amendment, India was the last major country to announce its decision to ratify it.
- Kigali Amendment, negotiated in Rwanda (2016), to the Montreal Protocol is for phasing out hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
- Under this amendment, countries agreed to include HFCs in the list of controlled substances under Montreal Protocol.
- Under the Kigali Amendment, current HFC use has to be curtailed by 85% before 2050.
- India has to achieve this target by 2047.
- The developed countries have to do it by 2036.
- China has a target of 2045.

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