Lab-made White Rhinoceros
February 1 , 2024
403 days
- The scientists announced the first-ever rhino pregnancy achieved by transferring a lab-made rhino embryo into a surrogate mother.
- In 2009, four northern white rhinos were brought from a zoo in the Czech Republic to a conservancy in Kenya.
- The death of the last male in 2018 made the extinction of the northern white rhino.
- Breakthroughs in IVF or stem cell technologies can in theory produce northern white rhino calves long after the species is extinct.
- One rhino is poached every 16 hours on average in Africa.
- While the southern whites form the largest surviving rhino species, there are fewer than 7,000 black rhinos in Africa.
- Only 4,000 one-horned rhinos in Asia.
- Populations of the other two rhino species — the Javan and the Sumatran — are down too fewer than 100 each.

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