The Tamil Nadu State Wetland Authority (TNSWA) has said the lake areas outside of the Pulicat bird sanctuary limits should be brought under the Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017.
This will aid to prevent the conversion of wetlands for non-wetland uses.
Currently, the Pulicat bird sanctuary has a default 10-kilometre eco-sensitive zone.
All the wetlands listed in the National Wetland Inventory Assessment of 2011, including Pulicat lake, must be protected under Rule 4(2).
This protection is a mandatory, regardless of whether the wetland has been formally notified.
This rule prohibits the conversion of wetlands for non-wetland uses, such as encroachment and the establishment or expansion of industries.
It also bans the dumping of solid waste, construction debris, hazardous materials, and untreated waste into wetlands.