TNPSC Thervupettagam

Language Atlas of India

March 1 , 2024 367 days 794 0
  • The Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, proposes to conduct a linguistic survey across the country to create a ‘Language Atlas’ of India.
  • It aims to enumerate how many languages are spoken and in which States and regions, can provide the answer.
  • The IGNCA is an autonomous body under the Union Culture Ministry.
  • India recognises 22 languages officially, which are part of Schedule 8 of the Indian Constitution.
  • According to Census data, 97 % of the Indian population speaks one of these languages.
  • There are an additional 99 non-scheduled languages included in the Census, and according to the 2011 Census.
  • Around 37.8 million people identify one of these non-Scheduled languages as their mother tongue.
  • The native language of 1.2 million people remains unaccounted for due to the decision to not include languages with less than 10,000 speakers in the Census since 1971.
  • The 1961 Census of India recorded 1,554 languages spoken in India.

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