TNPSC Thervupettagam

Literary Symposium on Gopala Krishna Iyer

October 31 , 2017 2687 days 1508 0
  • A literary symposium on M.Gopala Krishna Iyer was held in Madras University organized by Sahitya Akademi. The symposium was held to commemorate the valuable contributions of Ma.Ko for the growth of Tamil language.
  1. Gopala Krishna Iyer
  • Gopala Krishna Iyer , familiarly known as Ma.Ko was a multifaceted scholar who was a poet, translator, essayist, dramatist, editor of literary journals.
  • He has served as professor in Tamil department of Madura College for 10 years. He later became the Head of Tamil Department in National College, Trichy.
  • He founded the “Madurai Manavar Sendhamizh Sangam” in 1901 to promote interest in Tamil language among students. Ma.Ko has also served as a Member and Examiner in Madurai Tamil Sangam.
  • He used his vocation as teacher and journalist to instil patriotism and love for mother tongue among youth population.
  • In 1915, compilation of his essays were published by Madurai Tamil Sangam under the title “Arumporuttirattu”. He was actively writing till his death in 1927.
  • He started two journals Vivekodayam and Nachinarkkinian and served as it’s Editor.
  • His book “Thanipadalgal” includes his poems about great scholars like Rabindranath Tagore, U.Ve. Saminatha Iyer, Parithimal Kalaigner, and philanthropist Pandithurai Thevar.

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