TNPSC Thervupettagam

Lyrid Meteor Shower

April 23 , 2021 1401 days 1006 0
  • It is active each year in April.
  • The radiant of the meteor shower is located in constellation Lyra.
  • Radiant of a meteor shower is the point from which the paths of the meteors originate.
  • It has been classified as the medium strength meteor shower.
  • They are caused due to a cloud of dust or debris left behind by the Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher.
  • They are best viewed in northern hemisphere.
  • A meteor shower occurs when the earth passes through the path of a comet.
  • As the earth moves nearby, the bits of comet debris come under the influence of the earth’s gravity.
  • As they are pulled by the gravitational force of the earth, they begin to move towards the earth.
  • When this happens, they burn up due to the friction created by the Earth’s atmosphere.
  • The burning up of these debris is seen as streaks of light in the night sky.
  • They are called meteor showers.

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