Maharashtra and Gujarat Day - May 01
May 3 , 2021
1406 days
- May 1 is celebrated as ‘Maharashtra Day’ and ‘Gujarat Day’.
- In 1960, the Bombay Reorganization Act was passed by India’s Parliament to divide the multilingual state of Bombay into Gujarat and Maharashtra.
- The legislation came into effect on May 1, 1960.
- The state of Bombay formerly comprised of speakers of different languages such as Marathi, Gujarati, Konkani, and Kutchi.
- During the mid-1950s, a movement known as the Samyukta Maharashtra Andolan started demanding a separate Marathi-speaking state.
- While Mahagujarat Movement aimed at the formation of a state for Gujarati-speaking people.
- The movements ended with the creation of the Bombay Reorganization Act.

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