Model Agricultural Produce and Livestock Contract Farming Act, 2018
May 25 , 2018 2485 days 1030 0
The Union Ministry of Agriculture and Famers Welfare has unveiled Model Agriculture Produce and Livestock Contract Farming and Services (Promotion & Facilitation) Act, 2018 to ensure better price to farmers.
It is aimed at reducing farmers’ risks by creating an assured market for their produce at a pre-agreed price while encouraging investment from agribusiness and food processing industries by enhancing productivity and cost efficiency.
The draft Model Act seeks to create regulatory and policy framework for contract farming and services.
Based on this draft Act, states legislatures can enact a law on contract farming as agriculture falls under state list of Constitution.
It is promotional and facilitative Act and not regulatory in its structure. It not only covers contract farming in agriculture crops but also in livestock, dairy and poultry products.
It establishes Contract Farming Facilitation Group (CFFG) for promoting contract farming and services at village or panchayat at level.