TNPSC Thervupettagam

Narrow rings of comets spotted

October 31 , 2017 2686 days 1313 0
  • Scientists using NASA telescopes have spotted narrow dense rings of comets coming together to form massive planets on the outskirts of at least three distant solar systems.
  • Its mass is estimated based on the amount of light they reflect and it shows that each of these developing planets is at least the size of a few Earths.
  • The bright outer rings composed of comet like bodies at 75 to 200 astronomical units from their parent stars which is about 2 to 7 times the distance of Pluto from our own Sun.
  • The composition of the material in these rings varies from ice - rich to ice- depleted but carbon rich.
  • The scientists are especially intrigued by the red dust ring surrounding the planet “HR 4796A”, which shows unusually tight form for an infant solar system.

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