National Naturopathy Day – November 18
November 23 , 2022
784 days
- It was established on November 18th 2018 by the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.
- On November 18th 1945, Mahatma Gandhi became the Chairman of the All-India Nature Cure Foundation Trust.
- Therefore, this day was chosen to be observed as National Naturopathy Day.
- It signed the agreement aimed at making the benefits of Nature Cure available to all classes of people.
- The Theme for this year’s event is “Naturopathy: An Integrative medicine”.
- The term naturopathy was coined by John Schell of Germany in 1895 and popularized by Benedict Lust
- Lust is also referred to as the ‘Father of Modern Naturopathy’.
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