National Postal Worker Day 2023 - July 01
July 6 , 2023
609 days
- This day aims to respect their hard work and the extra mile that they go, literally, to ensure that we receive our letters on time.
- In 1997, a postal carrier in the Seattle area started National Postal Worker Day to respect the efforts of his employees.
- With more than 1,55,000 post offices, the Indian Department of Posts has the most widely distributed postal network in the world.
- Robert Clive sets up a regular postal system in 1766.
- Warren Hastings organises the Post Office in 1774.
- Madras General Post Office opened on 1 June, 1786.
- Post Office Act XVII was introduced in 1854.
- In 1876, India joins the Universal Postal Union.
- Post Office Savings Bank was opened in 1882.

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