Haryana’s Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar launched “Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik Niji Durghatna Beema Yojana” and “Mukhyamantri Vyapari Kshatipurti Beema Yojana.
Under the Mukhyamantri Vyapari Samuhik Niji Durghatna Beema Yojana, an accident insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh will be provided for 3.75 lakh registered traders.
Under the Mukhyamantri Vyapari Kshatipurti Beema Yojana, an insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh to Rs 25 lakh will be provided for 3.13 lakh registered small and medium traders.
Haryana became the first state in India to implement this scheme.