New record of Income Tax Returns
August 5 , 2023
585 days
- The Income Tax Return (ITR) filing for the AY 2023-24 has set a new record with over 6.77 crore filings till July 31.
- The filings before the deadline are 16.1 percent more than the total ITRs for AY 2022-23.
- The ITR filings peaked on the last day of the filing (July 31) with over 64.33 lakh filing.
- The IT department also received 53.67 lakh ITRs from first time filers.
- The highest per-hour rate of filing was witnessed between 5 PM to 6 PM with a total of 4,96,559 ITR filing.
- The highest per-second rate of ITR filing of 486 at 16:35:06.
- The highest per-minute rate of ITR filing of 8,622 at 17:54 on July 31.

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