TNPSC Thervupettagam

New species of water strider

March 19 , 2018 2545 days 1078 0
  • Scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) have discovered a new species of water strider from Nagaland.
  • The species, named Ptilomeranagalanda jehamalar and Chandra, was found in the river Intanki, Peren district.
  • This newly discovered species belongs to Ptilomeraagriodes genus. It is only found in rocky, fast flowing streams and rivers that are not exposed to lot of sunlight.
  • The presence of black stripes on the dorsal side differentiates this species from other known species of the subgenus Ptilomera.
  • So far, only five species of water striders under the subgenus Ptilomera were known in India.These includes,
    • Ptilomeraagriodes - peninsular India,
    • Ptilomeraassamensis -north eastern India,
    • Ptilomeralaticaudata - northern and north eastern India,
    • Pltilomeraoccidentalis - Uttarakhand and
    • Ptilomeratigrina -Andaman Islands.
  • With discovery of Ptilomeranagalanda, the number of species of water striders belonging to subgenus Ptilomera has increased to six in India.
  • Water striders are a group of insects adapted to life on the surface of water, using surface tension to their advantage. Their presence serves as indicator water of water quality
  • Other than being a good indicator of water quality, water striders also play an important role in the food chain by feeding on mosquito larvae.

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