NGT upholds rights of pastoralists in Banni grasslands
May 27 , 2021 1382 days 994 0
The Maldhari community had filed a case against the rampant encroachment in the ecologically-sensitive Banni grassland in May, 2018.
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) ordered all encroachments to be removed from Gujarat’s Banni grasslands within six months.
It also directed a joint committee to prepare an action plan in a month.
The court also said the Maldharis will continue to hold the right to conserve the community forests in the area, granted to them as per the provisions in Section 3 of Forest Rights Act, 2006.
Maldharis are a tribal herdsmen community in Gujarat, India.
Maldhari community breeds Banni Buffaloes.
Banni Buffaloes are species endemic to the region.