TNPSC Thervupettagam

Novel approach to detect and kill cancer cells

September 18 , 2023 538 days 562 0
  • The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) scientists have developed a new approach to potentially detect and kill cancer cells, especially those which form a solid tumour mass.
  • They have created hybrid nanoparticles made of gold and copper sulphide.
  • It can kill cancer cells using heat, and enable their detection using sound waves.
  • These hybrid nanoparticles have photothermal, oxidative stress, and photoacoustic properties.
  • These hybrid nanoparticles absorb the light and generate heat which can kill the cancer cells.
  • These nanoparticles also produce singlet oxygen atoms that are toxic for the cells.
  • Moreover, these nanoparticles have potential to aid in cancer diagnosis.
  • The existing methods such as CT and MRI scans require trained radiology professionals to decipher the images.
  • But, the photoacoustic properties of these particles can provide better images with high resolution.

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