May 5 , 2021
1351 days
- Millions of Olive Ridley turtle nest near the mouth of Rushikulya river.
- The nesting time of Olive Ridley turtles is between January and May.
- The turtle is known for its unique mass nesting sites called the Arribadas.
- During Arribadas, thousands of females come together to lay eggs on the same beach.
- This year, they are yet to begin their nesting.
- Though some of the scientists say that this delay of nesting is normal, the conservationists are worried.
- This is because, the atmospheric temperature is to reach its peak in May and the sand becomes very hot.
- It is likely that mass nesting of Olive Ridley turtles might skip this year.
- The nesting of the turtles has been skipped earlier in 2002, 2007, 2016 and 2019.
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