Oxfam’s Inequality Inc Report 2024
January 18 , 2024
416 days
- As per this report, the Billionaire is now either running or is the main shareholder of seven out of the world’s 10 biggest companies.
- Billionaires have become $3.3 trillion richer since 2020.
- The fortunes of the five richest men have spiked by 114 per cent in real terms since 2020.
- It is estimated that 148 top corporations made $1.8 trillion in profits, 52 per cent up on a three-year average.
- The world may witness its first trillionaire within a decade, but it would take 229 years to eradicate poverty altogether.
- Men globally possess $105 trillion more in wealth than women.
- 791 million workers worldwide have seen their wages fail to keep pace with inflation.
- It was resulting in a collective loss of $1.5 trillion over the past two years.
- Of the world's 1,600 largest corporations, just 0.4% of them have publicly committed to paying workers a living wage.

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