TNPSC Thervupettagam

Palestine at World bodies

May 30 , 2018 2481 days 1124 0
  • The Palestinians have joined two UN agencies and the global convention to halt the spread of chemical weapons.
  • Palestinians had joined the Geneva-based UN trade organization UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) Vienna-based industrial development agency UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and the chemical weapons convention or Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
  • At the United Nations, the Palestinians have the status of a non-member observer state that allows them to seek membership of agencies and become a party to international treaties.
  • The move will raise the Palestinian profile in international diplomacy and comes amid a rift with the administration of President Donald Trump over its decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
  • The OPCW, UNCTAD, and UNIDO rely on voluntary contributions from UN member-states to fund its activities as well as its regular budget.
  • The OPCW announced in The Hague earlier that the state of Palestine will become the 193rd state to join the chemical weapons convention.
  • Only four countries — Israel, Egypt, North Korea and South Sudan — have yet to ratify the chemical weapons convention, which aims to eliminate an entire category of weapons of mass destruction.
  • In 2012, the United Nations upgraded the Palestinians to a non-member observer state.
  • Interpol, the International Criminal Court, UNESCO, and now the OPCW all refer to the Palestinian territories as a state.

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