Pangolin - the host of Corona Virus
February 12 , 2020
1855 days
- Pangolin was identified as the host of the Corona virus by the researchers of China.
- According to them, the outbreak that killed around 636 people in China has started from a market in Wuhan city through Pangolin.
- The Genome sequence of the corona virus separated from Pangolin was 99% identical to those of the virus stains obtained from infected persons.
- Pangolin is used in medicines in China.
- It is the only scaly mammal on the planet.
- The most trafficked mammal of Asia.
- The investigations suspect that the virus has entered China through Pangolin trade.
- Chinese pangolin has been listed as “critically endangered” by International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List.
- Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) has been listed as “endangered” in IUCN Red List.
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