April 8 , 2018
2490 days
- The Public Financial Management System (PFMS) portal has processed record Rs 71,633 crore transactions on a single day.
- This was a historical record breaking volume of digital transactions achieved by PFMS.
- It is end-to- end solution for processing payments, tracking, monitoring, accounting, reconciliation and reporting.
- It is implemented by Controller General of Accounts and administered by the Department of Expenditure, both in Ministry of Finance.
- Various ministries/departments utilise this platform to monitor utilisation of funds provided to the implementing agencies and states governments.
- PFMS is also used for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) payments under MGNREGA and other notified schemes of the Government of India.
- It is also used for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) payments under MGNREGA and other notified schemes of the Centre.
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