May 10 , 2024
304 days
- Just days ago, two colossal solar flares have emerged from sunspot region AR3663 and Earth is in the firing line.
- The first eruption occurred on May 2 and it was an X-class flare, the most powerful category of solar flares.
- It causes shortwave radio blackouts across Australia, Japan and much of China.
- X FLARE! Sunspot region AR3663 just produced an X1.7 flare, the 11th largest flare so far this cycle.
- The second eruption reported was an M-class flare.
- Flares are classified according to their strength.
- After the most powerful X-class, there are M-class flares that are 10 times less powerful
- It is followed by C-class and finally, B-class flares.

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