TNPSC Thervupettagam

Quantum Supremacy

October 28 , 2019 1898 days 1138 0
  • Using the company's state-of-the-art quantum computer called Sycamore, Google has claimed "quantum supremacy" over the most powerful supercomputers in the world.
  • It claimed that Sycamore completed a complex computation in 200 seconds.
  • The most powerful supercomputers existing today would approximately take 10,000 years to finish the same problem.
  • Sycamore consists of microscopic circuits of superconducting metal that entangle 53 qubits in a complex superposition state.

  • Quantum supremacy (QS) is the point at which quantum computers can solve problems that are practically unsolvable for “classical” (non-quantum) computers to complete in any reasonable timeframe.
  • The term QS was originally popularized by American theoretical physicist John Preskill.
  • Yuri Manin (1980) and Richard Feynman (1981) had proposed quantum computing.
  • Quantum Supremacy is also known as “quantum advantage”.
  • It is generally believed that at least 49 qubits are required to cross the quantum supremacy line.
  • In computers, Bits represent either a “1” or a “0”.
  • In contrast, qubits can represent a combination state made up of both “1” and “0”.

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