TNPSC Thervupettagam

Quota in promotions

February 15 , 2022 1116 days 788 0
  • The Supreme Court has turned down the Union government’s plea to do away with the requirement of collecting quantifiable data by the Centre and states.
  • That data is to determine the representation of people belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) while implementing reservation in promotion.
  • State is obligated to collect quantifiable data as per the court’s judgment in M Nagaraj (2006) and Jarnail Singh (2018).
  • Collection of data has to be for each category of posts for the entire service.
  • The Central government must determine a time period to revisit the reservation policy after ascertaining the percentage of posts occupied by SCs/STs.
  • Assessment on the inadequacy of representation of the reserved categories in promotional posts should be left to the states.
  • With the recognition of ‘cadre’ as the unit for collection of quantifiable data, the court has also set aside its earlier judgment in the B.K. Pavithra case of 2019.
  • The 2019 judgment by the Supreme Court in BK Pavitra case upheld the validity of the 2018 Reservation Act that introduced consequential seniority for SC/STs in Karnataka public employment.

Meaning of cadre

  • The term ‘cadre’ means the strength of a service or part of a service sanctioned as a separate unit.
  • It is the choice of a State to constitute cadres.
  • The entire service cannot be considered to be a cadre for the purpose of promotion from one post to a higher post in a different grade.
  • The entire exercise of reservation in promotions would be rendered meaningless if data pertaining to the representation of SCs and STs is done with reference to the entire service.

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