TNPSC Thervupettagam

Red sanders export quota

August 10 , 2023 578 days 1040 0
  • The commerce ministry notified an annual export quota of 900 tonnes for artificially propagated red sanders wood for Tamil Nadu.
  • It has also notified a zero-export quota for wild specimens of red sanders, subject to certain conditions.
  • Red sanders are an Indian endemic tree species, with a restricted geographical range in the Eastern Ghats.
  • The species is a native and endemic to a distinct tract of forests in Andhra Pradesh.
  • Red Sanders usually grow in the rocky, degraded and fallow lands with Red Soil and hot and dry climate.
  • It is a very slow-growing tree species that attains maturity in natural forests after 25-40 years.
  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) recently categorised the Red Sanders (or Red Sandalwood) again into the ‘endangered’ category in its Red List.
  • It is listed under Schedule IV of The Wildlife Protection Act of 1972.
  • China remains the largest importer for this, followed by Hong Kong and Singapore.

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