Regional companion report for Asia and the Pacific
October 12 , 2024 154 days 422 0
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) report released this report.
The report is titled ‘Regional companion report for Asia and the Pacific of the World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal social protection for climate action and a just transition’.
About 2.1 billion people still remain unprotected against various lifecycle and socio-economic risks.
Since 2015 the effective coverage rate in southern Asia by16.7 percentage points (18.7 to 35.4%).
The Five most populous countries — Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia and Pakistan have coverage rates as 22%, 75.6%, 48.4%, 54.3% and 20.2%, respectively.
The unemployment insurance schemes exist in India and Iran, but their coverage is limited.
In India, unemployment insurance covers by law only 11.5% of the working-age population.