TNPSC Thervupettagam

Rhino census

April 6 , 2018 2535 days 2046 0
  • Assam has seen a steady rise in the number of one-horned rhinos in Kaziranga national park with the total number standing at an impressive 2,413, which is an increase of 12 more from the last rhino census conducted in 2015.
  • There are 793 breeding females of the 2,413 rhinos in Kaziranga counted this year.
  • Kaziranga is home to about 70 percent of the one-horned rhino population in the world.
  • NK Vasu, the state principal chief conservator of forests (wildlife) said that, on technical committee recommendation, the census-count will be repeated next year as all compartments could not be covered this time.
  • A total area of 882 sq km, including the Brahmaputra river zone which makes for the 6th Addition to Kaziranga, was divided into 74 compartments for the census count.
  • The rhino population in Assam saw a boom of 2,048 rhinos in 2009, an unimaginable increase of 193 rhinos in three years’ time. From 1,855 rhinos in 2006, the population had been briskly swelling up.
  • The Indian Rhino Vision 2020, an ambitious plan launched in 2005 to attain a wild population of at least 3,000 greater one-horned rhinos in Assam by the year 2020, has yielded good results.
  • International Rhino Foundation (IRF) has partnered with the Assam Forest Department, the Bodoland Territorial Council, the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service to address the threats facing Indian rhinos.

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