In Tamil Nadu, a total of 18,074 persons died in 66,841 road accidents that were reported in 2023.
In 2022, 17,884 fatalities were reported from 64,105 accidents.
A total of 18,129 fatalities were reported from 62,685 accidents in 2019 while 18,392 deaths from 67,279 accidents were recorded in 2018.
In Tamil Nadu, a fatality is reported in every fourth accident and 25% of accidents are turning into fatal accidents.
Chennai and Coimbatore cities stand at top positions with 3,642 accidents and contribute to 5.45% each of accidents.
In the next level, Chengalpattu has 3,387 accidents (5.07%), Tiruppur has 3,292 (4.93%) and Salem 3,174 (4.75%).
In terms of fatalities, Coimbatore stands first with 1,040 persons killed last year - 5.75% out of the total 18,074 fatalities.
Chengalpattu district witnessed 912 persons killed in road accidents (5.05% of total fatalities), Madurai recorded 864 (4.80%), Tiruppur, 861 (4.76%) and Salem 787 (4.35%).