Russian presidential election 2024
March 22 , 2024
358 days
- A landslide victory in the Russian presidential elections has ensured another six-year term for Vladimir Putin.
- Mr Putin will become the longest-serving Russian leader since the reign of Catherine 'the Great', should he complete his next six-year tenure.
- The former empress ruled over Russia for 34 years and four months between 1762 and 1796.
- Joseph Stalin, the former general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, led the country for 29 years from 1923 to 1954.
- If Mr Putin sees through his tenure, he will surpass Stalin's reign and become the longest-serving Russian leader in 200 years.
- The 71-year-old, who first rose to power in 1999, has already led the country for 25 years.

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