TNPSC Thervupettagam

Russia's own space station

April 26 , 2021 1403 days 1028 0
  • Russia is ready to start building its own space station with the aim of launching it into orbit by 2030.
  • Russia is considering withdrawing from the International Space Station programme.
  • After the first successful mission of U.S. company Space X, Russia lost its monopoly for manned flights to the ISS last year.

International Space Station

  • It is launched in 1998.
  • It involves Russia, the United States, Canada, Japan, and the European Space Agency.
  • ISS is a modular space station (habitable artificial satellite) in low Earth orbit.
  • The ISS serves as space environment research laboratory in which scientific experiments are conducted in astrobiology, astronomy, meteorology, physics, and other fields.
  • The ISS circles the Earth in roughly 93 minutes, completing 15.5 orbits per day.

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