Uttarakhand and Kerala have taken the top spot among states in NITI Aayog’s SDG India Index 2023-24.
Overall, India’s SDG score improved to 71 points in 2023-24 from 66 points in 2020-21.
Bihar emerged as a laggard with 57 points, followed by Jharkhand at 62 points.
Compared to 2020-21 scores Punjab, Manipur, West Bengal, and Assam recorded the highest increase of 8 points to 76, 72, 70, and 65 points respectively.
Among goals, “No Poverty”, “Decent Work and Economic Growth”, and “Life on Land” recorded the highest increase in points across states from 2020-21 scores.
Goals like “Gender Equality” and “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institution” saw the smallest increase in points.
Notably, “Reduced Inequalities” was the only goal to record a reduction in points to 65 in 2022-23 from 67 in 2020-21.