May 8 , 2024
311 days
- India has lodged a strong complaint with China over construction work in the Shaksgam valley.
- It is described as an "illegal" effort to change the situation on the ground.
- Shaksgam valley is a strategically situated region which is now part of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).
- The Shaksgam valley, or the Trans Karakoram Tract, is part of the Hunza-Gilgit Region of PoK.
- It is bordered by the Xinjiang Province of the People's Republic of China to the north.
- The northern areas of PoK are to its west and south and the Siachen Glacier region to the east.
- In 1963, Pakistan ceded the Shaksgam valley to China when it signed a border agreement with Beijing to settle their border disputes.
- India had never accepted the China-Pakistan border agreement of 1963, under which Pakistan tried to illegally cede this area to China.

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