Tamilnadu succeeds in cage-farming of sought-after fish species
August 6 , 2017 2762 days 1652 0
The Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture (CIBA) has achieved a breakthrough in three tier model cage-farming ofsea bass, commercially one of the most sought-after fish species, in the backwaters of Vennangapattu near Kancheepuram.
Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture (CIBA) function under the aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), experimented this method and utilized the potential of brackish water areas.
India’s First ever cage farming of fish in lagoons and estuaries was carried on at Vennangupattu near Mamallapuram by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam Fish Producers Self Help Group.
Prior to this, cage farming was done only in deep ocean waters.
Now it is possible to install three tier model cages and grow fish in estuaries and lagoons without affecting the environment