The Booker Prize for Fiction
October 16 , 2019
1925 days
- Canadian writer Margaret Atwood and British author Bernardine Evaristo have been named the joint winners of the 2019 Booker Prize.
- The pair will split the literary award's £50,000 prize money equally.
- The Booker rules say the prize must not be divided, but the judges insisted they "couldn't separate" the two works.
- It is being awarded by the Man Group since 1969.
Bernardine Eavristo
- Book Name: “Girl, Woman, Other”
- At age 60 Evaristo becomes the only black woman to win a Booker.
- Her book explores the lives and struggles of different black women in the modern-day United Kingdom.
Margaret Atwood
- Book Name: “The Testament”.
- 79-year-old Atwood won second Booker of her career.
- She was already awarded for her work The Handmaid's Tale' (1985).
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