According to the Central Institute of Classical Tamil Studies, Thirukkural translations will be published in ten languages, including the Vakripoli language spoken by the Narikkurava people.
The Central Ministry of Education has submitted to the Central Institute of Classical Tamil Studies a project to translate Thirukkural into 21 languages in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India.
The Institute has already published Thirukkural translations in Punjabi (2012), Manipuri (2012), Telugu (2014), Kannada (2014) and Gujarati (2015).
In the coming October, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Vakripoli (Narikkurava language), Paduku translations will be published in ten languages.
In that respect, 20 books including U.V. Saminathaya Diary, U.V. Saminathaya Glossary and Sangam books Vocabulary, Natrinai (Kannada Translation), Tolkappiyam (Hindi Translation), Patiruppattu (Kannada Translation) will be published.