May 9 , 2024
309 days
- This year, the TNDGE conducted the HSE plus 2 exams from March 1 to March 22 in pen and paper mode for over eight lakh candidates.
- There has been a substantial drop in the number of students appearing the TN +2 exams.
- There were 8,42,512 students in 2019, 7,79,931 students in 2020, 8,16,473 in 2021, 8,06,277 in 2022.
- Finally, in 2023, the number of students taking the exam declined to 8,03,385.
- A total of 2478 schools have achieved 100 per cent result.
- Of these, 397 are government schools.
- Science stream has the highest pass percentage of students this year (96.35%).
- A total of 26,352 students scored 100 marks in any subject
- Male candidates passed: 3,25,305 (92.37%).
- Female candidates passed: 3,93,890 (96.44%).
- Total Pass percentage: 94.56 per cent
- Tirupur district has scored highest pass percentage of 97.45%.

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