TNPSC Thervupettagam

TN Seshan Passed Away

November 11 , 2019 1915 days 1381 0
  • 1955 Tamilnadu cadre IAS Officer and Former Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Tirunellai Narayanaiyer Seshan has passed away.
  • He earlier served as the 18th Cabinet Secretary of India in 1989.
  • He was made CEC in 1990 during the Prime Ministership of Chandrasekhar.
  • It was during Mr. Seshan’s period that the Election Commission was made a multi-member body in October 1993.
  • He was known as a no-nonsense CEC and one who had enforced discipline on political parties and contestants, especially during the Model code of conduct.
  • Some of reforms he implemented include enforcement of election code of conduct, Voter IDs for all eligible voters, limit on election candidates' expenditure, appointing election officials from states other than the one facing polls.
  • He curbed several malpractices like bribing or intimidating voters, distribution of liquor during elections, use of government funds and machinery for campaigning, appealing to voters' caste or communal feelings, use of places of worship for campaigns, use of loudspeakers and high-volume music without prior written permission.
  • He was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay award in 1996.
  • Mr. Seshan was the only one to hold the post of CEC for six years from 1990 to 1996 in the last 50 years.

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