The Indian government has named Vinay Mohan Kwatra, who is the country’s ambassador to Nepal, as India’s next Foreign Secretary.
He will be taking charge after incumbent Harsh Vardhan Shringla.
In India, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has also projected changes in the spatial distribution of malaria.
It warned about the potential outbreaks in the Himalayan region, besides the southern and the eastern states.
The Delhi government has set up Hobby Hubs for government schools in Delhi after school hours to promote extra-curricular activities.
The idea is to make optimum use of school infrastructure and to use it after school hours to promote these extra-curricular activities.
HDFC Bank Limited has been adjudged Best Performing Bank in Self Help Group (SHG) Linkage by Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM).
HDFC Bank is the only private bank to be honored with the award for its contribution to SHGs by NRLM.