TNPSC Thervupettagam


May 26 , 2018 2484 days 1074 0
  • According recent research, worsening air quality in last two decades has emerged as one of major reasons for high numbers of premature deaths in India. The research was conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Delhi in collaboration with environmental NGO Centre for Environment and Energy Development (CEED).
  • The Union Ministry of Civil Aviation has notified Draft Passenger Charter defining rights for air passengers. It aims to improve hassle-free air travel experience of air passengers in the country.
  • Noted social activist, educationist and columnist Firoz Bakht Ahmed has been nominated as the fifth Chancellor of city-based Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) for a three-year period. He succeeds Zafar Sareshwala.
    • Firoz Bakht was also associated with MANUU before its inception in 1997 as foundation panel member.
  • Megastar Amitabh Bachchan has been honoured by European Union for strengthening Europe-India cultural ties.
  • The Tripura government will introduce 10% quota for women at all levels in the police department to combat crime against women and other vulnerable sections. Women currently have 5% representation in the state police against a national figure of 7.28%.

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