The Tamil Nadu State Agricultural Marketing Board has filed an application seeking GI tag for Madurai sengarumbu, peravurani coconut and mulanur kuttaimurungai.
NCERT has established a 19-member National Syllabus and Teaching Learning Material Committee (NSTC), chaired by NIEPA chancellor MC Pant, to revise textbooks for classes 3 to 12.
The Supreme Court announced the launch of portal 'SuSwagatam', which would enable advocates, visitors, interns and others to register themselves online and get e-passes to enter the apex court.
India is ambitiously working to increase its current 6% natural gas share in its energy composition to 15% by 2030.
India is the largest source of Human Hair (raw material) in the world.
India had exported 169.23 million dollars in value of Human Hair during last fiscal.