Tamil Nadu has been recognised as the top performer in the Logistics Ease Across Different States (LEADS) 2023 rankings in Coastal states Group.
NHAI has introduced the ERS Mobile App to optimize dispatch information to on-road units, ensuring swift responses to emergency calls for prompt assistance.
All three Indian Armed Forces officers undergoing the Command and Staff Course at Defence Services Command and Staff College in Sri Lanka have been awarded the ‘Golden Owl’ for their outstanding performance.
The three officers are ranked first amongst the foreign student officers in the Air Force, Army and Navy wings respectively.
Real Vision Homes Chairman, Dr. Srinivas Naik Dharavath, was conferred with Global Icon Award at G20 Initiative Summit in Colombo, Sri Lanka
The International Gender Equality Prize was awarded to the Afghan Women Skills Development Center.
It works to promote and protect the rights of women in Afghanistan.
Microsoft has released a new small language model—Phi-2, which has 2.7 billion parameters and is an upgraded version of Phi-1.5.
Accenture has launched a Generative AI Studio in Bengaluru, as part of the company's broader strategy to harness advanced AI technology for business optimisation.
The Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing (WPC) and Wireless Monitoring Organisation (WMO) celebrates the International Monitoring Station (IMS) Day on December 19, 2023.