The Tamil Nadu Government has issued an order making public examination mandatory for school students of class 5 and 8 from the current academic year.
For the initial three years alone, students who fail will “not be” detained.
Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan inaugurated the 72nd Session of World Health Organization -Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO) in New Delhi. He was unanimously elected as Chair of the Session.
This is the 2nd time that India is hosting Regional Committee meeting.
A high-level delegation from Poland paid a visit to Kolhapur in Maharashtra. Due to Second World War it was in the nearby Valivade camp that 5,000 Polish refuges took shelter during 1943-1947.
A museum is expected to be built soon at Valivade. Jamnagar, Gujarat also sheltered 5,000 Polish refugees.
Ministry of Railways has removed the flexi-fare scheme from the premium Humsafar trains which were made up entirely of AC-3 coaches.
Humsafar Express trains was first launched in 2016 between Gorakhpur and Anand Vihar (New Delhi) stations.
Pankaj Advani increased his tally of World titles to 22 by winning again in the finals of the IBSF World Billiards Championship.