Tamil Nadu received the best organ donated state for the sixth consecutive time.
Recently, Maharashtra announced the setting up of a desalination plant in Mumbai.
Maharashtra will be the fourth state to experiment with Desalination Plants after Tamilnadu, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
The eleventh National Organ Donation Day was observed on November 27, 2020 by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Russia successfully test-fired a Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile in the Arctic Region.
The missile was fired from the White Sea to the Barents Sea at a speed of over Mach 8.
Bhutan has announced that it had established diplomatic relations with Germany.
This is the Bhutan kingdom’s first diplomatic foray in seven years.
Scotland becomes first nation in the World to make sanitary pads, tampons at the free of cost.
It is the first nation in the world to take such a step against period (menstrual) poverty.
Dr. Gaurav Sharma, MP in New Zealand created history by becoming the first Indian-origin parliamentarian to take oath in Sanskrit language on foreign land.
He took oath first in New Zealand’s indigenous Maori language and then in Sanskrit.
The United Arab Emirates recently became the first and probably the last Arab country to generate electricity from coal.
Mostly Gulf countries, rich in oil and natural gas, fulfil their electricity requirements from gas-based power plants.