TNPSC Thervupettagam
February 25 , 2025 14 days 139 0
  • A team of the scientists from the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad discovered a giant planet that is bigger than Earth but smaller than Saturn.
  • The planet, dubbed TOI-6038A b, is a dense sub-Saturn size with a mass of 78.5 Earth masses and a radius of 6.41 Earth radii in a wide binary system.
  • TOI-6038A, is part of a binary system along with a K-type companion star, TOI-6038B
  • The planet orbits a bright, metal-rich F-type star every 5.83 days in a circular orbit.
  • An F-type star is a type of star that is hotter and brighter than our Sun but not as extreme as the hottest stars in the universe.
  • It falls between A-type (hotter) and G-type (like our Sun) in the star classification system.
  • It is the fifth exoplanet discovery facilitated by the combined efforts of the PARAS-1 and PARAS-2 spectrographs.
  • India's growing proficiency in the astronomical instrumentation is highlighted through PARAS-2.
  • PARAS-2 is the most precise stabilized radial velocity (RV) spectrograph in Asia.

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