April 1 , 2023
682 days
- The UNICEF’s “Triple Threat” report discuss the three water-related threats – inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).
- Globally, 600 million children still lack safely managed drinking water.
- 1.1 billion lack safely managed sanitation and 689 million lack basic hygiene service.
- 149 million children still face the indignity of practising open defecation and unsafe water.
- Ten countries alone – with a combined population of over 190 million children and all in sub-Saharan Africa – face this triple burden.
- Around 2 out of 5 deaths from unsafe WASH are concentrated in these countries.
- Globally, the percentage of households with access to at least basic drinking water rose to 90% in 2020 from 82% in 2000.
- Access to households with at least basic sanitation rose to 78% in 2020 from 56% in 2000.
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