TNPSC Thervupettagam

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

December 15 , 2023 448 days 488 0
  • Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul recommended the setting up of an “impartial Truth and Reconciliation Commission”.
  • It is also known as a ‘truth and justice commission’ or simply, a ‘truth commission’.
  • It is an official mechanism to not just acknowledge, but also reveal, wrongdoings by a government or sometimes non-state actors or combatants so that conflicts of the past can be addressed and resolved.
  • It aims to investigate and report on the violation of human rights perpetrated by both state and non-state actors in Jammu and Kashmir since the 1980s and recommend measures for reconciliation.
  • Earlier truth commissions from Uganda (1974) to Kenya (2009) are well known.
  • In South Africa, the first post-apartheid government of President Nelson Mandela established a TRC in 1995.

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